Since September 2010, when the CAROdog website was launched, the CARO (Companion Animal Responsible Ownership) project has actively sought to promote responsible dog and cat ownership throughout Europe.


Guest in Save the Dogs shelter – Cernavoda, Romania, 2013

Guest in Save the Dogs shelter – Cernavoda, Romania, 2013

Since then, many activities have been launched under the CARO umbrella, including the CAROcat website, conferences, seminars, and a working group on the Identification and Registration (I&R) of companion animals.


I have been happy to be involved in the development of these projects since the beginning.


I&R can sound like a very technical issue, but it is an essential tool to facilitate the reuniting of lost or stolen animals with their families, prevent abandonment, and improve the management of the stray animal population.


On the legislative front, mandatory I&R of companion animals has been singled out by the CARO Working Group on I&R as a fundamental tool to promote companion animal welfare.


Between July and December 2015, the CARO websites will use their Special Focus section to share I&R-related information and the views and experience of individual experts and organisations that have been actively working on the I&R front. These documents will represent the wide range of issues that should be addressed in an effective I&R strategy.


New web content will be added regularly, so users are invited to visit the websites regularly.


You can access the content of the Special Focus on Identification and Registration (I&R) of companion animals on the CAROdog website and on the CAROcat website.





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