Have you ever wondered where you can find the latest vegan recipes, videos, podcasts and news on animals, the environment and vegan products, published by experts in these fields?


Vegfest Express

Vegfest Express

Such a place exists, and it’s called Vegfest Express. Created by Vegfest UK, it contains a wealth of information. The site is not just for vegans, but for anyone who wants to know more about what’s going on around the world – both in terms of all the positive action being taken to support animals and the negative activities that harm animals in countless ways.


Now an AnimalWelfareAndTrade page has been added to the Vegfest Express ‘ANIMALS’ section, where the AWAT news will be displayed. I am grateful to the Vegfest editors for coming up with the idea that the news published on AWAT would interest their readers.


You can access the AWAT page on the Vegfest website by going to their ‘ANIMALS’ section and scrolling to the Animal Welfare And Trade link in the horizontal list.


You can also follow Vegfest on Twitter and Facebook.




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