The petition form

The petition form

Many thanks to all you AWAT readers who are collecting signatures for the petition against the proposal made to the Spanish parliament to recognise bullfighting as a cultural heritage.

AnimalWelfareAndTrade is one of the 41 organisations that support this campaign. We have already sent in 438 signatures, which are being added to the 11,500 already collected by the other groups.

ADDA will present the petition to government representatives and MPs at the moment when they consider it will be most effective.
The legislative procedure, which initially the Spanish government wanted to accelerate, might take longer than expected due to the large number of amendments tabled in the parliament. So there is some hope that this disgraceful proposal will never be approved.
Information on future stages of this initiative will be uploaded on the AWAT website, and on its Facebook and Twitter pages.

If you still have signatures to send in, please post them as soon as possible to the address shown on the Petition Form. For the time being, ADDA is continuing to collect signatures for the petition, but since they might need to use the petition at very short notice, we must forward any additional signatures on to them very soon. Please do not send any signatures to AWAT after the end of June.
Thanks again for your help!