Huaycán, Lima, Peru

Over the last few years I’ve had the privilege of supporting the mission established by Sister Rosa in Huaycán, one of Lima’s suburbs.
Many people in Huaycán live in conditions of extreme poverty and even small contributions can make a difference …

Cátedra CUMEX

The Consortium of Mexican Universities (CUMEX) organised the Cátedra CUMEX on animal welfare at the University of Guadalajara. On 2nd June, I gave a presentation on ‘Animal Welfare and International Trade’.
see the website


Since September 2010, I have been involved in the development of the CAROdog website on Companion Animal Responsible Ownership, and in some of the activities associated with it, including conferences in Brussels and Vilnius.
see the website


Since April 2011, I have been the Coordinator of the European campaign 8hours, which aims to achieve a maximum overall journey time of 8 hours for the transportation of live animals destined for slaughter, to be established at the EU level.

Adolfo Sansolini – Animal Welfare Consultant

Welcome to my new website, AnimalWelfareAndTrade, where you will find information about my activities and issues that lie close to my heart.
I decided to call this site AnimalWelfareAndTrade because I want to focus on those aspects of my work where over the years I have had the privilege of helping different stakeholders (NGOs, governments, farmers, businesses) to come together and agree on beneficial changes for animals – changes which can have a positive impact on business too.

Guerra di liberazione dei polli

Galline fuori delle gabbie e vitelli liberi di interagire coi loro simili? Why not?
Alcuni dei sistemi intensivi diffusi dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale sono stati banditi o sono in fase di dismissione nell’Unione Europea sin dai primi anni ‘90, mentre negli USA nulla sembrava mutare fino a quando nel 2002 in Florida il 55% degli elettori votò per l’abolizione progressiva delle gabbie di gestazione per i maiali.

La natura del pollo

Negli Usa è battaglia sulla defi nizione di pollo naturale.
Un gruppo di allevatori e consumatori ha lanciato una Coalizione ( per chiedere all’USDA, il
Dipartimento di Agricoltura, di modificare le norme che permettono la dicitura naturale per polli a cui sono stati iniettati acqua, sale o altre sostanze per incrementarne peso e sapore.
